Proper nutrition: principles, menu to lose weight in 1 week, recipe

Proper nutrition is the key to good health, beauty and harmony for many years to come. If most diets force the person to lose weight to experience maximum restrictions and discomfort, in this case this does not happen. The main thing is to compose a menu correctly with a balanced food set. At the same time, the lost kilograms do not return, as the body is completely rebuilt according to the new regimen and diet.

Is it possible to lose weight with proper nutrition?

It is not possible to choose one diet that will work equally for everyone. This is due to the unique characteristics of each organism. The advantage of a sensible diet is that there is no strict restriction and it is possible to compose a menu independently from a large list of permitted products.

The PP system for weight loss is ideal in every way. As a result, stored fat is lost, but energy potential and physical endurance increase. According to the recommendations of nutritionists, you should constantly follow a similar diet, which helps to maintain the health of the body.

Nutritional planning implies the exact ratio of nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary for the full functioning of the body.In addition, you can include healthy foods that meet the growing demand for any ingredient. Sometimes it disguises itself as cravings for harmful foods.

Another alternative is presented in the table:

Desired food What is missing in the body The right product supplier
Fat meal, sweet soda Calcium Dairy products, nuts and seeds, legumes
Pastries, bread dough Nitrogen Beans, seeds, beans
Chocolate, cocoa Magnesium Cabbage, baked potatoes, legumes, nuts
Candy Slow Carbohydrates, Chromium Porridge, fruit
Pickles Calcium, sodium chromite Cheese, fresh cheese, seaweed, seaweed

To lose weight according to PP, you need to consume fewer calories than you expend physically. There are 2 options:

  • eat right, adhere to the daily calorie intake, increase exercise;
  • reduce the usual calorie content.

You can not go on a frugal diet, try to get rid of the obnoxious kilograms as soon as possible. The optimal daily calorie content is 1100-1200 kcal.

The most remarkable results were observed in overweight individuals who had previously ignored the basics of proper nutrition.Following all the rules on PP, you can lose up to 4-6 kg per month.

Basic knowledge of PP

The principles of good nutrition are not complicated, but they work perfectly. Due to the balance, the accumulated fat is gradually burned, and the figure returns to normal.

As for the intensity of the process, it is advisable not to neglect sports and lead an active lifestyle.

Basic knowledge of PP to help you create your own weight loss menu:

  • They completely refuse junk food: semi-finished products, carbonated drinks, sweets, hot dogs, french fries, greasy fried foods, alcohol.
  • Limit salty foods.
  • The recipes are made with a balanced set of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, with the mandatory inclusion of fiber and vitamins.
  • They are eaten often, but in small portions.
  • In the morning, on an empty stomach, drink a glass of cool water to effectively kick-start the digestive process.You need to drink up to 2 liters of clean water per day without gas.In addition, they drink green tea, herbal tea, mineral water.
  • Don't miss breakfast.
  • The calorie content of the dishes is calculated each day.
  • Chew food slowly, without distractions: this allows you to feel full faster.
  • Dishes are boiled, grilled, stewed or steamed. Frying is unacceptable.
  • Emphasize fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Eliminate carbohydrates fast and replace with slow ones: cereals, wholegrain breads, unsweetened fruit, berries, honey, etc. v.
  • The total amount of animal protein consumed is calculated at the rate of 1 gram per kilogram of body weight.

Carbohydrate foods are consumed in the afternoon, protein - in the second half of the day. Number of main meals per day - up to 5 times, 4 hours apart, and also, last meal - at least 3 hours before bedtime. Only up to 2 snacks (kefir, nuts, vegetables or green apples) are allowed.

Grocery list

The list of allowed and prohibited foods for weight loss is presented in the table:

Allow Prohibit Limited quantity allowed
  • Vegetable;
  • fruits;
  • cereals;
  • lean meat: chicken, beef, turkey;
  • sea fish;
  • mushroom;
  • nuts;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • egg;
  • Brown rice;
  • Drying fruits;
  • Beloved husband;
  • green vegetables;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • soups, cereals
  • Sweets, sugar;
  • grill and bake;
  • semi-finished products;
  • fast food;
  • fatty, smoked, salted, fried;
  • Canned food;
  • sausage;
  • variety of sauces and mayonnaise
  • Potato;
  • butter and vegetable oil;
  • Rice;
  • bread;
  • Red meat

Menu of the week

This technique does not imply a strict framework. It involves complete meals based on key principles and eliminating harmful ingredients.

Nutrition pyramid for weight loss

The importance of the product is determined by the food pyramid. It consists of six food blocks: five of them are necessary for daily consumption, the sixth should be minimized.

Each individual chooses dishes based on personal taste preferences. The slimming menu is based on the parameters and physiological characteristics of a person.

To learn how to control your diet without counting calories every day, it's a good idea to keep a diary first. It records all the food eaten during the day, which helps in analysis. To get started, stick to a sample menu for each day.

The basic menu for the week is suggested in the table:

Day of the week Breakfast Dinner Dinner Snacks (lunch, afternoon snack)
Monday Oatmeal on the water
  • Boiled chicken breast;
  • stewed vegetables;
  • durum wheat pasta
  • Grilled broccoli with cheese;
  • boiled eggs
  • Kefir;
  • dried fruit (50-60 g)
  • Vegetable salad;
  • cereal toast with a slice of mozzarella;
  • Apple
  • Broccoli puree soup;
  • brown rice with seafood
  • Steamed salmon;
  • baked potato
  • Sugar-free fruit;
  • cheese with herbs;
  • wholemeal bread
  • Steamed omelette;
  • fresh herbs;
  • grapefruit
  • Steamed veal;
  • cucumber and tomato salad;
  • Buckwheat porridge on the water
  • Cheese casserole;
  • green apple
  • Kefir;
  • Beloved husband;
  • nuts
Thursday Cheese sticks with fruit or low-fat sour cream
  • Chicken;
  • baked beans;
  • Vegetable salad
  • Fish ball;
  • Braised cabbage
  • Barley crackers;
  • Drying fruits
Friday Mix fruit with natural yogurt
  • Celery soup;
  • roast beef in foil;
  • carrot and cabbage salad
  • Boiled turkey meat;
  • tomato
  • Yogurt;
  • Apple
Saturday Millet porridge on water
  • Boiled white fish;
  • broken rice;
  • green salad
  • Chicken omelette, herbs and tomatoes;
  • unsweetened fruit
  • Apple;
  • Drying fruits
Sunday Lean rice porridge
  • Steamed veal;
  • baked potato;
  • beetroot salad
  • Grilled salmon;
  • tomato, cucumber and bell pepper salad with olive oil
  • Kefir;
  • nuts

Recommended drink:

  • Mineral water;
  • fresh fruit juices;
  • green tea with lemon;
  • coffee without sugar;
  • herbal infusion.

When going on a diet for a month, they stick to the fundamentals. The recipes are all the same, based on approved foods.

To get a tangible result, you need to be patient and not deviate from your intended goal.

For men

Men differ from women in metabolism, energy expenditure and muscle mass.Therefore, the rules of PP will be slightly different.

Points to keep in mind when making menus:

  1. They include more protein, which is needed to maintain muscle tone. For vegetarians, legumes (except beans and lentils), potatoes, dairy products, mushrooms and nuts will be a complete meat substitute.
  2. Products that promote testosterone production are included in the menu: meat, honey, eggs, pollen, a little alcohol (in the absence of medical contraindications).
  3. Daily calorie intake follows - 2300-3200 kcal, this depends on lifestyle: sedentary or active, intense training.

In addition, representatives of stronger sexual needs:

  • zinc: apple, date, fig, raspberry, liver, lemon;
  • selenium:pumpkin seeds, walnuts;
  • phosphorus:egg yolk, fish, bran.

Men can't do without vitamin E.

Approximate daily diet:

  • Breakfast:cereal porridge, boiled meat, mint and lemon tea.
  • Lunch:whole grain toast, cheese curd, juice.
  • Dinner:vegetable soup without potatoes, boiled sea fish, spring salad, durum pasta.
  • Afternoon snack:plain yogurt, fruit.
  • Dinner:Fresh cheese with fresh herbs and cucumber.

Soy, beer and instant coffee should be abandoned - these are products that promote the production of female hormones.

For girls and women

In women, the daily calorie content ranges between 1700-2200 kcal, an extreme figure that is only acceptable for athletes.Even so, the diet that can be made is varied and delicious.

Elements that a woman's body needs at any age:

  • Calcium(excessively during pregnancy and after 40 years): cheese, cheese, milk, tofu, almonds, lettuce.
  • Iron(lost during menstruation and estrogen interferes with its absorption): liver, dried apricots, prunes, pears and dried apples, cocoa, rosehip infusion, pumpkin seeds.
  • Vitamin C(necessary for the normalization of the nervous and immune systems, collagen production): citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi, sea buckthorn, bell peppers, rose hips.
  • Folic Acid(a special need arises during pregnancy, since this substance excludes the development of pathologies in the fetus): spinach, parsley, lettuce, all kinds of cabbage, beets, watermelon, avocado, peaches, lentils and chickpeas, tomatoes, nuts.

Up to 25 years old

Girls are encouraged to focus on soy products, wheat germ and cranberry juice: theyprevent diseases of the genitourinary system.

Menu of the day for young women:

  • Breakfast:omelette, fresh tomatoes, freshly squeezed juice or natural coffee.
  • Lunch:almonds and plums.
  • Dinner:Broccoli puree soup, vegetable and bean salad, roast turkey, green tea.
  • Snacks:green apple.
  • Dinner:Boiled shrimp, avocado, tofu with herbs.

After the age of 30, women should be especially careful about their nutrition to preserve their youth and beauty for a long time, despite the changes of age. At this age, many people begin to gain weight or experience exhaustion. In both cases, the body lacks vitamins and nutrients.

After 30 years

At the age of 30-35, you should eat in small portions, but do not let the feeling of hunger.. . . The diet is based on protein foods, vegetables and fruits. It is necessary for the maintenance of muscle mass, the normal function of the cardiovascular, endocrine, digestive and other systems.

Much more added to the basic products on PP:

  • seafood;
  • oily fish (a source of omega-3 acids);
  • green trees;
  • cabbage (helps with edema);
  • quail eggs;
  • orange and red vegetables;
  • mango, kiwi, avocado.

After 40 years

After the age of 40, the risk of developing many chronic diseases increases, due to a weakened immunity. At this age, they adhere to a balanced diet without rigid diets to lose weight.Limit your intake of black tea and coffee (2-3 cups per day). Eat more bananas: they have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart. Prunes, sauerkraut and seaweed will help cleanse the intestines of pathogenic bacteria.

During pregnancy and lactation

The menu during pregnancy and after childbirth is not very different. The main thing is to consume more calcium and exclude foods that contain various additives and artificial dyes - otherwise, an allergic reaction may occur in both mother and child.

Basic knowledge of nutrition:

  • Balance;
  • low carbohydrate intake;
  • Absolutely no alcoholic beverages.

To lose weight, nursing mothers are forbidden to take herbal and medicinal laxatives, as well as diet.

List of allowed and prohibited foods during lactation:

Prohibit Allow
  • Cabbage;
  • pea;
  • whole milk;
  • black bread;
  • mushroom;
  • raw fruit;
  • red vegetables;
  • coffee, black tea;
  • onion;
  • confectionery, chocolate, sweets;
  • watermelon;
  • Beloved husband;
  • Bacon;
  • spicy food
  • Sea fish;
  • diet meat;
  • butter and vegetable oil;
  • biscuits, crackers, dried;
  • pasta;
  • cereals;
  • dairy products: sour cream, cheese, yogurt;
  • banana;
  • potato

For children and teenagers

When compiling a healthy diet for children, several nuances are taken into account. First of all, this is the age, as the body is constantly growing and the energy needs are changing.

Optimal daily calorie intake for age stages:

  • up to 3 years old - 1500-1600 kcal;
  • 3-5 years - 1900 kcal;
  • up to 8 years old - 2400-2500 kcal;
  • 8-16 years old - 2600-3000 kcal.

A child's body constantly needs:

  • carbohydrates - a source of energy;
  • protein - necessary to strengthen muscles;
  • calcium - good for bones;
  • a complete complex of vitamins, trace and macro elements - to stimulate brain activity.

Since a child has a faster metabolism than an adult, sweets are not dangerous. On the other hand, cholesterol is involved in cell formation. It does not mean that children can eat everything and in unlimited quantities.

If you are overweight, you need to adjust your diet according to the PP program:

  • Create a specific diet, preferably hourly.
  • Do not force children to eat.
  • They use split meals with healthy snacks: apples, crackers, yogurt, fruit, honey, berries.
  • Protein food is served for lunch. It can be boiled chicken, steamed cutlets, cheese, peas or oatmeal.
  • Make sure to include all dairy products in the diet.
  • Sweets are strictly quantified and offered after the main meal.
  • Excludes french fries, fast food and other harmful products.
  • They teach to drink water.

Sample menu of the day:

  • Breakfast:pancakes with apple puree, compote.
  • Snacks:bananas, baby cookies.
  • Dinner:chicken soup with vegetables, meatballs, tomato and cucumber salad, fresh fruit.
  • Afternoon snack:sandwich with cheese.
  • Dinner:rice porridge, milk or kefir.

For family

Choosing a diet that is acceptable to the whole family is much more difficult, since you will have to take into account the preferences and characteristics of each member of it. The following factors are taken into account:

  • physical activity;
  • the presence of any health problems, including obesity;
  • age list;
  • desire individual taste.

Men are more likely to be stressed, so they need more calories. With a measured pastime, fatty meat and butter were excluded from the diet. Household weight loss should avoid harmful and high-calorie foods.In case of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, dietary meals are prepared. Breakfast for everyone should be complete.

From the table, you need to get up with a slight feeling of hunger, because saturation does not come immediately.

The menu is made for a week, but not worth preparing in advance: fresh food is healthier. This is especially true of salads, snacks, and cakes.

Full list of products of the week for the whole family:

  • cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice;
  • pasta;
  • chicken breast;
  • a fish;
  • egg;
  • cheese;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • muesli;
  • dairy products and yogurt;
  • green vegetables.

It makes more sense to describe in detail what you need for the week and make a list so you don't buy anything extra in the store.

For athletes

Healthy eating and sports are two integral components of health. To get a beautiful and fit body, it is not enough to diet and monitor the number of calories burned during exercise.

During intense sports, the process of building and forming muscle takes place, so an external protein supply is very important. In addition to cheese, the menu must have nuts, meat and eggs. In addition, special protein supplements are taken.

Simple carbohydrates (sugar, sweets, honey) should be avoided and replaced with complex types (whole bread, legumes, cereals, fruits and vegetables). They are used 2 hours before class and 30 minutes after. They ate a full meal in 1. 5 hours, mostly protein.

Athletes also need to consume healthy fats: fish, flaxseeds, seafood, nuts, vegetable oils.

They are guided by the following electrical diagram:

  • Breakfast:Oatmeal in milk, several eggs.
  • Lunch:protein cocktails.
  • Dinner:vinegar, fish or meat.
  • Afternoon snack:part cheese.
  • Dinner:rice porridge, cheese.
  • Late snack:a glass of milk or kefir.

Cooking recipe

Dishes using PP are usually simple and easy to prepare at home, don't take much time, and they also include inexpensive and readily available ingredients.

The main thing in the cooking process is not to overdo it with salt and artificial spices.

Broccoli cream soup

Broccoli cream soup in the nutritional menu for weight loss

A delicious and nutritious puree soup that can be served as a complete lunch.

To cook you will need:

  • cabbage broccoli - 500 g;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • cream (10% fat) - 120 ml;
  • soda, salt - a pinch;
  • crackers to taste.


  1. Boil broccoli in lightly salted water until tender.
  2. The remaining fluid is drained, but not completely.
  3. Use a blender to beat until smooth.
  4. Add cream.
  5. Boil again.

Garnish with crackers or nuts.

Celery soup

Celery soup is a hearty dish in a healthy weight loss diet

Essential ingredients for a hearty and simple dish:

  • celery root - 200-220 g;
  • white cabbage - 300 g;
  • carrots - 5 pcs;
  • onions - 5-6 pcs;
  • tomatoes - 4-5 pcs;
  • bell pepper - 1 fruit;
  • chickpeas or asparagus - 350-400 g;
  • tomato juice - 1. 5 l;
  • Fresh herbs for garnish.


  1. Celery and all vegetables are chopped into strips. Pour into the pot and pour in the juice.
  2. They set it on fire and waited for it to boil. Cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  3. Reduce heat, add chopped greens, cover and cook for another 7-8 minutes.

Before use, the soup can be whipped with a blender, which promotes better nutrient absorption.

Vegetable salad

Dietary vegetable salad can be included in the menu when losing weight with the right nutrition

For a diet salad you will need:

  • red and white beans - 200 g;
  • tomatoes - 1-2 pcs;
  • leaf lettuce - 50 g;
  • corn - 150 g;
  • parsley and dill - 1 bunch;
  • wine vinegar or lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Briefly boil the beans until soft.
  2. Add diced tomatoes.
  3. Add chopped greens, lettuce and corn kernels to it.
  4. Season with vinegar or lemon juice.
  5. Season to taste and pepper.

Do not get canned vegetables - preferably fresh or frozen.

Mushroom barley porridge

Barley with mushrooms can be cooked easily and quickly in the slow cooker, while it will turn out soft and satisfying. The formula is suitable for slimming people and vegetarians.


  • barley pearls - 200 g;
  • water - 3, 5 cups;
  • champignons - 0. 5 kg;
  • onion - 1 bulb;
  • vegetable oil - 20-30 ml;
  • pepper salt.


  1. The plates are washed, poured with water and soaked for 5-6 hours or overnight.
  2. In the morning, the liquid is drained, the pearl barley is placed in a multi-cake bowl and soft drink is poured in.
  3. Finely chop the onion, cut the mushrooms into a plate and lightly fry in vegetable oil.
  4. Put the coriander in a bowl, salt and pepper.
  5. Set the desired mode.
  6. After the last signal, open and mix.

When serving, it is allowed to add a piece of butter to each portion.